Best Tile Adhesives – Secure & Easy Application

Tiles Adhesive

Polymer modified cement based Adhesive available in different varients: Grey / White / Glass Masaic.

Water based
Easy to Apply
Quick Setting
Excellent Adhesion

Fixing Ceramic, Highly porous tiles on internal & external use for wall & floor of any size.

Fixing Italian marbles, white marbles, composite marbles, stones on elevation,granites on internal & external use.

Fixing highly delegated glass mosaic on internal & external use.

Application Procedure

  • The surface should be sound and throughly cleaned.Old surface should be free from wax, grease, polish etc.
  • Always mix the require quantity, which can be consumed within 60 min pot life.
  • Spread the adhesive required thickness bed and comb with a notched trowel
  • Strictly apply the adhesive paste which can be tiled in 10 to 15 min.
  • Start placind tiles on the surface. Tap the tiles properly to ensure complete coverage on the backside of tiles.

Set Time: 7-8 hours (walk on), 72 hours (full cure)
Packaging: 20kg